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PFMAC Governance

Our approach to governance reflects the vision of the Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company (PFMAC), which enshrines the principles of solidarity and subsidiarity which underpin Catholic Social Teaching.  Subsidiarity means that decisions are best made by those who are closest to their effects; its express purpose is to avoid excessive centralisation. This finds its legal expression in the Scheme of Delegation which details the responsibilities the Board of Directors has delegated to Local Governing Bodies (LGBs).

The PFMAC is committed to enabling and supporting effective governance to help LGBs fulfil their core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and performance of staff;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
  • Ensuring decisions consider the views and experiences of stakeholders (pupils, parents, staff and the community)
  • Maintaining the Catholic vision and character of the school

We achieve this by providing:

  • a central Governance Manager offering guidance to LGB Chairs, Members and clerks
  • access to high-quality training & resources
  • termly events for LGB members
  • termly governance updates
  • support in recruiting new Foundation governors
  • Support with the appointment process for all LGB Members in PFMAC schools
  • Access to advice by telephone and email
  • Briefings on statutory changes relevant to Directors and LGB Members
  • Support for Stage 3 complaints hearings
  • Bespoke training designed to meet individual LGB needs
  • Briefings on specific national and local issues
  • Briefings and support for clerks

You can find out more about our Board of Directors and Local Governing Bodies by clicking here.

Our Governance Handbook 2024-25 is available below.